Giving Thanks and Giving Back Copy

from left, Carlos, Jose, Dan and Alex from Walter Stewart’s; Pat from Person-to-Person; Maggie, Destiny and Ellie from the Young Women’s League

The Young Women’s League of New Canaan and Walter Stewart’s Market teamed up again this year to donate 100 turkeys and over 15 Thanksgiving meal tote bags to Person-to-Person’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner Drive. The dinners were distributed to local families in need by Person to Person in Darien.
Walter Stewart’s shoppers reached the goal of purchasing more than 100 turkeys to complete the Thanksgiving dinners by donating back their T-Bill balances earned, during the Donation Days drive in earlier this month.
Walter Stewart’s also donated of $2030 to participating New Canaan charitable organizations in November, proceeds from the market’s recent Anniversary T-Bill Donation Days drive.  18 New Canaan non-profits designated by Walter Stewart’s shoppers will received checks earlier this month:
ABC ($425); Strays & Others ($275); Staying Put ($250); NC Cares ($175); Horizons ($150); Arts for Healing ($140); NC Library ($100); NC Mounted Troop ($100); NC Nature Center ($75); Juvenile Diabetes Foundation ($75); Outback Teen Center ($35); Red Cross ($35); STAR ($35); YMCA ($35); NC Food Bank ($35); NC Historical Society ($35); Visiting Nurse Association ($35); and New Canaan’s Society of the Arts ($20).
Walter Stewart’s will hold its annual Holiday T-Bill drive in December. For more information about Walter Stewart’s T-Bill program please click here.

Walter Stewart’s Sends Funds to Local Charities

Giving Back to Our Local Non-Profits!anniversarytbill_2013followup
Thanks to your support and patronage Walter Stewart’s sent out checks last week totaling $2030 to your favorite local non-profits:
ABC ($425); Strays & Others ($275); Staying Put ($250); NC Cares ($175); Horizons ($150); Arts for Healing ($140); NC Library ($100); NC Mounted Troop ($100); NC Nature Center ($75); Juvenile Diabetes Foundation ($75); Outback Teen Center ($35); Red Cross ($35); STAR ($35); YMCA ($35); NC Food Bank ($35); NC Historical Society ($35); Visiting Nurse Association ($35); and New Canaan’s Society of the Arts ($20).
The Young Women’s League Thanksgiving T-Bill Drive was also a success and because of your help we will be able to reach our goal of donating more than 100 Turkeys to Person-to-Person, which will distribute to local families in need this Thanksgiving.
For more information about our T-Bill program please click here!

NCHS Scholarship T-Bill Drive

NCHS Scholarship Drive Committee Co-Chairs Kathy Schulte, Roberta Peet and Lisa Isherwood with Alex Stewart and Doug Stewart, of Walter Stewart’s Market

Stewart’s shoppers: Thanks to your support and patronage Walter Stewart’s will donate $1601.89 to the NCHS Scholarship Foundation.
Walter Stewart’s Market is holding its annual Donation Days T-Bill week to benefit the New Canaan High School Scholarship Foundation from Sunday, April 7th, through Saturday, April 13th.  Throughout the week, Stewart’s customers are invited to donate “T-Bill” balances they earn shopping at the store. Walter Stewart’s will match T-Bill balances designated by shoppers with a monetary donation to the New Canaan High School Scholarship Foundation.
The NCHS Scholarship Foundation is a long-standing community effort to provide financial aid for New Canaan High School graduates pursuing higher education.  The Foundation’s annual “Scholarship Sunday” will be held this year on Sunday, April 7.  This is the day that NCHS students wearing Scholarship Drive T-Shirts will knock on doors throughout New Canaan to raise funds for college scholarships for fellow NCHS students.
Each year, Walter Stewart’s starts its Donation Days T-Bill week for the NCHS Scholarship Foundation on Scholarship Sunday.  “The NCHS Scholarship Drive is such an important annual campaign and we are pleased to support it again this year, said Alex Stewart.  “We encourage Stewart’s shoppers to donate their T-bills again this year.”